Keep control of your website

AI Driven Optimizer finds hidden anomalies in your data by analysing the performance of each page, queries and any combination of them.

How Does It Work

AI Driven Optimizer detects anomalous behaviours like:

Rankings Drop

Find out if your site is losing positions on related queries directly from the search console

Keyword Cannibalization

Find out if you are "cannibalising" your results and solve the related problem

Sudden Growths

Tracking the footprint of the queries, it identifies the most interesting search trends for you

Prompt Analysis

With AI Driven Optimizer you can quickly identify pages, queries and their combinations that have a statistically unusual behaviour.

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Don't Miss Information that Matters

AI Driven Optimizer gives you a detailed view of critical issues that can be difficult to identify from Google Search Console

A Single Report
with All the Information

AI Driven Optimizer monitors the data of Google Search Console and analyses it with statistical techniques of time series analysis. SeoNanny provides a report that highlights pages, queries and page / query combinations that undergo variations, in terms of impressions and clicks, statistically different from those expected.

A section of the report highlights totally anomalous behaviours, such as falls, so that the client can correct them in a timely manner.

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Click the button below and request a DEMO Access, you will be contacted
as soon as possible by one of our experts

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